Ceremony Overview
Below is an explanation of the ceremonies available to your son at each camping experience. If you are new, there is nothing that says you can’t or shouldn’t participate in a ceremony on your first trip. My hope is that you will seize the opportunity to do so. Even though you may be starting this process with your son as a teenager, we can back fill the LifeVerse ceremony. We would only ask that for those stepping into this process who have a son 8 and older consider the Page ceremony BEFORE doing either the LifeVerse or Squire ceremony (13+).
Ceremonies by age
Life verse ceremony – ~6 years and older
Page ceremony – 8+
Squire ceremony – 13+
Gent fortification ceremonies for Squires – 4 available for Squires
Knight ceremony – ~18+
LifeVerse Ceremony (6+ years old)
A life verse is a verse or passage that connects your son with the creator, and is communicated by the father as a form of encouragement and charge. This is a great starting point ceremony for your son.
The process:
Pre-Ceremony Training – The parents of the child need to explore select portion of the book “Different Children, Different Needs” by Dr. Charles Boyd HERE, with the intent that the books highlights the following:
1. Your son was created to know, enjoy and serve God in the ways he was designed, and for the building up of the church.
2. Your son has raw talents that need to be identified by you and your spouse.
3. As a family, it is important to help your son grow into his natural strengths, and learn how to glorify God through them.
Families will decide on an appropriate verse or passage to communicate with their son at camp, connecting their lives with God’s grand story and purpose.
A recorded presentation of the preparation for the LifeVerse Ceremony can be found HERE.
Overview of the ceremony – The ceremony takes place at camp and in front of the group at large. The father has an opportunity to speak truth and encouragement to his son, and formally give his son his LifeVerse. The father receives a picture with the LifeVerse on it as a follow up.
Follow up – A “Books for Boys” list exists for fathers with sons at this age. There are a variety of books suggested for you to read through with them in order to familiarize them with God, the saving work of Christ, and what it’s like to live as man after God’s own heart.
Page Ceremony (8+ years old)
This is a covenant ceremony between dad and son. Much like God made a covenant with Abraham, you are going to make a covenant with your son that by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are committing to train him in how to live and act like a man of God.
The process:
Fashion the Sword – For all those with sons 8+ who have not gone through this ceremony, I will host a get together of the dads to fashion their sword for their son, and to learn about making a covenant with your son. The day, time and location will be communicated via email or group text, and usually occurs within a month prior to the fall trip. You may also check back here for updated information.
Where to purchase a wooden base sword: CLICK HERE
How to make your sword: CLICK HERE
Consider giving son a bible– This may be a great time to present a bible to your son along side the sword to tie in the start of his training and the power of the word of God in his life (Hebrews 4:12)
Overview of the ceremony – I will provide an overview of the ceremony and the importance of a covenant as demonstrated biblically during our time together on October 12th. If you are unable to make that event, you may find a link to an online training under the resources page.
Prepare your covenant language– It is important that we approach this covenant ceremony with language that shows to our son the seriousness of our commitment. And it important for the dads to understand the level of commitment they are making when they speak those words. It is however God’s command that we make disciples, and doing so starts at home. Consider the example below and feel free to expound on it.
Here is an example of a dad presenting their son a sword: CLICK HERE
Example of the Covenant Language: “Canon, your mother and father love you very much. We understand God has given us the role of raising you to know and trust in Jesus with your whole heart. He has also called us to raise you to become a man after God’s own heart, and someday teach others to do the same. May God deal with me harshly if I do not fulfill my role as your teacher and trainer from now until you become a knight for God’s kingdom. I am giving you this sword (and bible) today as a token of this commitment I am making to you. It represents the word of God and the power we have through it to fight for truth.” This language is highlighted in the Covenant Affirmation sheet. You should print, sign and frame it as a constant reminder of this key moment in you and your son’s journey toward manhood.
Print Your Covenant Affirmation: CLICK HERE
Follow up – You will have access to “training packs” accessible online under “Resources for Dad” to give you basic tools for training and discipling your son. It is meant for you to go through with your son throughout the year. It includes things like scripture memory, spiritual lessons, character training, books to read, and quiet time reflections. It is divided into bite sized chunks so that it is totally achievable. Completion of a training packs makes your son eligible to receive a challenge coin as a reward for their work.
Squire Ceremony (13 + years old)
This is a transition ceremony for your son, the point being to move a boy to a young man, and charge him to embrace the principles associated with being a godly man.
The process:
Pre-Ceremony Training – A father will need to take his son through some basic training prior this ceremony.
The training covers the following key things:
1. Recognition of the purpose, fall and redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ. The son will need to memorize a short catechism he will utilize during the ceremony. The training overview can be found HERE
2. Identification of the ten (10) manhood principles. Your son will need to memorize and recall these as a part of the ceremony.
3. Manhood Creed study. You and your son will engage in a 20 day devotional highlighting the creed. The Manhood Creed study can be found HERE
4. Sex Talk. You will need to have taken your son through a Christian based form of sex education, highlighting the purpose and beauty of sex under God’s definition, the pitfalls of digressing from purity of heart, and what it means to respect and honor the opposite sex.
Overview of the ceremony – The ceremony will happen in two parts at camp, and will involve multiple fathers. Your son will be challenged to recall the ten (10) manhood principles, will receive charges from the fathers to live a life dedicated to biblical manhood. You and your son will then be directly complete the catechism challenge (see #1 above). At the completion of the ceremony, your son will receive a token symbolizing becoming a young man.
Follow up – Squire training packs are encouraged after the completion of this ceremony and are available based on age of your son. There are yearly mini ceremonies starts after this ceremony which make him eligible for awards he will cherish displaying at home.
Gent Fortification Ceremonies for Squires
The Squire Ceremony kicks of an important transition for the boy. Instead of simply receiving teaching from his father moving forward, he is asked to move this head knowledge to the heart, to embody God’s truth and principles for living, and ultimately put these into practice. Studies that lead to four separate Squire led ceremonies are meant to encourage thinking, conviction, and application. Each ceremony uses symbolism to communicate what the boy has come to know about himself, understand about his role in the world, and how he is committing to live a life of purpose and honor. Currently, access to this content is limited to Squires and their families only.
Challenge Coin Ceremony
Those who complete a “training pack” are eligible to receive a challenge coin. These coins reflect the gospel, or a portion of what they have learned while going through the training pack. Proof of completion of the “training pack” is done by the parent signing off on the requirements at the front of the “training pack”. You can text me a picture of the completed requirement sheet or email me a copy of it instead. I typically need about a month notice that you are or have completed the pack prior to the fall camping trip. Have you and your son completed a pack? Email us at info@sand2stone.us