You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.
-Abraham Lincoln
A fully equipped man is one who displays godly character, including moral excellence, resilient work ethic, compassion for his fellow man and desire to live for a transcendent cause. He is one who follows the truth, and stands firm in the faith regardless of the situation, because God is worth it.
These qualities are then expressed in all aspects of life, whether routine and mundane, or in moments of distress or hardship. All faithful obedience is honorable.
We believe boys should be exposed to a variety of areas to give them the experience needed to help them to flourish in their domestic, vocational, and interpersonal lives. We also recognize no one father is a master in all areas, or even educated in some. As a community of men therefore, we learn from each other, gifted men teaching our boys the specifics, encouraging further pursuits in areas of deeper interest.
Do you have a specific interest or expertise in the following areas?
Cooking – Home Maintenence – Vehicle Repair – Sports – Money Management – Negotiation Skills – Woodworking – Etiquette – Music – Arts – Gun Safety – Physical Fitnes – Planting and Harvesting
Let us know if you would like to serve Sand to Stone by sharing and teaching your expertise to boys. If you have a suggestion for an area unaddressed, we would love to hear from you.