Fall 2024 Camp Theme
Flint and Fire
Shield Bearer
There is a very real battle we are called to face. We must discipline ourselves, striving for a crown that lasts forever, ready both physically and spiritually to stand firm. The Lord is our help and our shield, reminding us that we do not fight alone. We must take up the shield of faith, extinguishing all the flaming arrows of the evil one, and clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, making no provision for the flesh. As we embark on this adventure with our sons, let’s model what it means to be shield bearers, leading the charge into the battle with faith, discipline, and the armor of God. This trip is more than an escape; it’s preparation for the spiritual war we face daily. Let’s equip ourselves and our sons to stand strong and lead courageously.
1 Corinthians 9:25-27 Psalm 33:20 Ephesians 6:16 Romans 13:14
About Camping Opportunities
We offer spring, summer and fall father-son trips. We also occasionally offer family experiences.
At camp, we seek to creating solid masculine bonds. We do this through community, risk, competition, and ceremony.
We break bread together. Eating together is a basic act of hospitality and one way we can share in something common to all, food. We create an atmosphere where sharing and laughter happen naturally, and where friendships are born or deepened.
We all play our role. Each father has a job to do in order to make camp run smoothly. By each doing their job well, camp models the body of Christ each working together to glorify God.
God’s creation is full of hidden treasures, and it is also at times harsh. We share in risk when we submit ourselves to the elements, and when we push our bodies to the limits in the hope of discovering something beautiful in God’s handiwork. It is in the hardship and discomfort of nature that we develop resilience, find God in new ways, and create bonds between brothers.
We value the competitive spirit. Not everything we do at camp relies on physical performance. We want boys to draw on their creativity, physicality, and mental capacities to learn to work with one another in team activities, and to make each other better in the process, win or lose.
Marking the pathway to manhood is of chief importance. At an early age, it is the father that takes the lead. But as a boy enters adolescence, it is his turn to carve his path with the biblical principles as his guide. Each boy receives and gives back in the process of finding manhood. Our unique rites of passage opportunities pave clear paths for boys to clearly define and embrace their role as men who live virtuously in all areas of life.