Mark The Path Toward Manhood
Why Ceremony
Many cultures do not provide ample definitions and markers of manhood. Many boys grow up thinking manhood is something achieved when they gain wealth, have a good looking girl at their side, can overpower others with intellect, or are the most athletic individual in the crowd. Most of us can’t, and shouldn’t have to live up to, or define manhood by these standards. That is why Sand to Stone has ceremonies as a part of the wilderness experience. These ceremonies help define manhood over a period of years, as directed by a father-figure or mentor. Each son comes to learn and experience the importance of keeping God’s word in the heart, working out their God given purpose in life, understanding the magnitude of leaving a legacy, and holding on to the faith in all situations of life.
Each father should carefully consider the importance of engaging their son through ceremony. These crucial moments are legacy builders between the two. Upon choosing a ceremony, each father is given ample information and training on what the ceremony requires, to allow them to prepare for this special time. For fathers getting involved with their sons at a later age, ceremonies are designed to be appropriate at any age.
Available Ceremonies and Equipment
See below for information on what your son may be eligible for based on his age at the time of the trip.
Age 6 – Life Verse Ceremony
Once your son reaches the age of 6, he is eligible for the Life Verse Ceremony. It can be done at any age past 6 if you are join us late. For this ceremony, you choose a verse or passage from the bible that both speaks to how God has uniquely gifted your son, and can guide him from childhood onward. You will receive a wood burned picture of your son and the Life Verse to present to your son after the ceremony.
You will receive a link to download the needed material for this ceremony at the time of checkout.
*Available at All Campouts* – $60.00Add to cart
Age 8 and up – Page Ceremony
At the age of 8, dads craft a sword prior to camp, to present to their son during a covenant ceremony. In this ceremony, the father commits to guide their son in the pathway of manhood by being a pacesetter and leader. This powerful ceremony sets the stage for fathers to train their son, and training materials are provided to supplement the process.
This ceremony requires that a father go through training material on covenant prior to the ceremony. There are in person gatherings where fathers build their son’s sword together. Dates will be communicate either at the time of checkout, via email, or GroupMe.
Click here for a video example of a Page Ceremony
*Available at All Campouts* – $45.00Add to cart
Age 13 – Squire Ceremony
At the age of 13, fathers help prepare their sons for adolescence through a study completed prior to the wilderness trip. The son memorizes the basics tenants of the faith in preparation for the ceremony. The son is then provided a charge by a community of fathers, and then undergoes a challenge by his father as proof of his readiness to become a squire. Upon passing the challenge, the son enters into a new stage in his route toward manhood, full with new camp freedoms and responsibilities. Your son will receive a flag at camp representing the core values of Sand to Stone.
Use the information HERE to prepare your son for this ceremony.
*Available at All Campouts* – $60.00Add to cart
Ages 14-17 – Fortification Ceremonies (4)
The squire ceremony represented a hard shift in a boys life; a shift from learning and knowing the role of man, to embracing and applying it in day to day life. During the high school years, your son will learn how to apply the principles of manhood in practical ways and in the process, fortify the core values and principles in his heart through action and experience. Each year, he will have opportunity to serve his peers and model what it means to be think bigger than self. As a culmination of his study and experience with one or more of the values and principles, he will go through a rite of passage during a camp event and mark yet another step toward manhood.
As a reward, each time your son completes one of the ceremonies, he will receive a wood burned section of the Sand to Stone coat of arms he can display on a pre-cut section of rot iron backing.
Typically, a boy is going to need 6-8 weeks to complete the material required for each rite of passage, though this time frame can vary based on the boy.
*Available as Separate Events – Pre-Requisite Materials are found below *
1. Worship
2. Protection
3. Faithful
4. Legacy
* Pricing shown is per fortification ceremony
$40.00 Add to cart
Age 18 – Knight Ceremony
At the age of 18, the son has made his way to his ultimate manhood challenge. This ceremony combines a challenge of the intellect, the emotions, and physical and spiritual fortitude. It is a culmination of everything the son has learned in the previous years under their father and through wilderness experiences. Upon completing the challenge, the community of fathers and sons celebrate the son as a man through a special ceremony that reflects on the journey, and charges the son for the future.
*Separate Specific Event*
$100.00 Add to cart
Camp Equipment
Why Camp Equipment?
It doesn’t take long to realize when you are in the wilderness that comfort is fleeting, and interaction with our natural surroundings takes on new meaning, and requires new strategy. We want your boys to learn how to survive in unfamiliar surroundings with tools they’ll obtain over the years. In addition to being trained and given opportunity to use their equipment, they’ll also learn how to use nature around them in order to endure the elements.
Each year, your son is eligible for a new piece of equipment. If he comes into camp later in the process, you may backfill his pack.
*These Items Are Only Available on Fall Camping Trips*
8 Year Olds
9 Year Olds
10 Year Olds
11 Year Olds
12 Year Olds
13 Year Olds
14 Year Olds
15 Year Olds
16 Year Olds